Santa Cruz Parlor No. 26, Aleli Parlor No. 102, Junipero Parlor No. 141, and San Juan Bautista Parlor No. 179 will be hosting the tea on Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 1:30 pm.
The Tea will be held at the Native Daughters of the Golden West Adobe in San Juan Bautista. The cost is $15 and includes tea, a light lunch, and dessert.
The theme of this year's tea is "Tea Among the Flowers." Attendees are encouraged to wear hats and to bring your favorite tea cup. Prizes will be given for prettiest hat and tea cup and the hat and tea cup most in keeping with the theme.
Raffle prizes will also be available with the proceeds from the ticket sales to benefit the Native Daughters of the Golden West Home in San Francisco.
If you plan to attend, please respond to Janet Somavia, San Juan Bautista Parlor No. 179, no later than April 10, 2013.